10 Ways to Upcycle Marbles

Remember March marble madness in elementary school? Marbles were like currency. We would build play casinos in the sandbox. Place your spherical little bets! I wasn't much of a gambler but more so a collector. The shinier the pearl, the bigger deal it was to own. Cat eyes were the lowest ranking, fyi. They were the easiest to obtain and therefore had little value. The marble equivalent of a penny.

Now that I'm looking back at all that I'm realizing the gambling aspect is actually rather inappropriate for children but as children that goes unnoticed. Anyway, I still have my marbles sitting in a jar somewhere. Thanks to Pinterest, they've been brought back to my attention with all their creative re-uses I wish I had thought of. Here are some ideas that will catch your eye too...

1. Wired Marble Mobile

2. Marble filled fence

3. Marble Garden Sphere

4. Marble Earrings

5. Gag Gift Idea or Conversation Piece- Bottle full of Lost Marbles

6. Makeup Jars with Marble Topped Lids

7. Interchangeable Marble Necklace

8. Marble Acorn Ornaments

9. Marbles as Vase Filler

10. Colorful Marbles Wreath


  1. Just found your blog and I love it (especially the upcycled sari). Thanks so much for including our Vintage Marble Acorn Ornaments!
    Shannie, Mountain Woman Products (organicmountainwoman on etsy)
